
KEBO SLURRY is used as seed suspension for the sugar crystallization. It is a mixture of finely ground sucrose particles with a medium grain size d50 of 11 ± 1 µm and polyethylene glycol. KEBO SLURRY is not hygroscopic. The strong polarity of the suspension liquid is responsible for the good dispersion so practically no agglomerates of sugar particles in the suspension are formed. A specific procedure prevents the agglomeration of particles also during the grinding process.


    • High efficiency or reduction of molasses loss, resulting in high yield of additional sugar.
    • Excellent MA control
    • Lower and therefore better CV: The coefficient of variation improves by about 3 % points - compared to conventional suspensions.
    • Whiter texture of the sugar crystal: The low CV value in the sugar crystallization leads to a whiter color and more uniform sugar texture.
    • High stability: The particle size distribution is very narrow. KEBO Slurry is stable much longer when freshly stirred.
    • Economical: About half of a KEBO SLURRY is needed compared to conventional seed suspensions.
    • Stability during storage: Temperatures between -20 °C and 30 °C have no effect on quality, as measured by the results of the cooling crystallization test.
    • Ready to use: Ready-to-use solution with a fixed sugar content.

    Dosing, Addition

    Table for the estimation of the slurry quantities for 100 t centrifuged sugar d50 crystal (μm) slurry quantity (Liter):

        •   400 μm = 7.6 L
        •   500 μm = 3.9 L
        •   600 μm = 2.3 L
        •   700 μm = 1.4 L 
        •   800 μm = 1.0 L
        •   900 μm = 0.7 L
        • 1000 μm = 0.5 L

          The consumption referring to the produced sugar quantity is further influenced by the individual sugar house crystallization scheme.

            Technical data

            Description:milky white suspension
            Density at 25 °C:approx. 1.2 kg/l
            pH-value (100g/l water):4.5 – 6.5
            Solubility:soluble in water
            Particle size (d50):11 ± 1 µm
            Effective crystal content:22 ± 0.5 %


            PE lidded drums: 30 kg
            PE barrels:230 kg


            Protect from frost (below -10 °C), humidity and heat. In closed original packages KEBO SLURRY is storable for at least 2 years.

              Preparation for the Application 
                A longer period of storage without movement and the transport by truck lead to sedimentation.
                  To obtain a uniform dispersion of the sucrose particles, new barrels have to be turned before opening on a roller device for appr. 12 hours. The slurry taken from the barrels should be filled into the crystallizer as soon as possible.

                    Notes. References

                    In case of proper application KEBO SLURRY complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
                      All ingredients are FDA listed and are on the French positive list.
                        Halal certification number: C-790-60-16-XXX
                        Kosher certification number: 81173637, company number: 0351

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