
A highly efficient degreasing agent for hydrochloric acid. In general it is used at ambient temperature. The baths can be used at 20 - 25°C up to Fe contents of 100 - 120 g/l. At this Fe range they have to be disposed of as the surface active substances will become insoluble at the high electrolyte contents.


    • A highly concentrated, liquid compound of wetting agent and inhibitor quickly and homogenously dispersing in diluted acids.
    • The liquid form allows an easy dosing of the product.
    • Disposes of an excellent emulsification for a short period of time for grease, mineral oils and paraffins which enables a quick separation of oil and grease.
    • At optimum efficiency KEBOSOL ZN should be applied in connection with an oil separating device only (oil separator, scimming off a.s.o.).
    • Produces light as well as clean surfaces and after being thoroughly washed off it does not affect the subsequent treatments (e.g. hot metallizations and phosphatizations).

    Dosing, Addition

    KEBOSOL ZN is directly added to acid solutions. The consumption is dependent on the degree of contamination (grease and oil).

      The dosing rates indicated below are guide values:

        • in case of normal or minor contamination with oil and grease 0.5 % = 5 kg KEBOSOL ZN / m3
        • in case of considerable contamination with oil and grease 1 - 2 % = 10 - 20 kg KEBOSOL ZN / m3
        The optimum quantities may be determined preferably during practical operation.


          Pickling of High-Tensile Parts
          For the pickling of high-tensile steels a concentration of HCl of 15 % (fresh preparation) up to 8 % is recommended, the acid losses in the pickling bath should not be replaced. In this concentration range the inhibition effect of KEBOSOL ZN on the hydrogen absorption by the pickling material is particularly high.

            The dosing rate of KEBOSOL ZN amounts to: 

              • 2 % = 20 kg KEBOSOL ZN / m3

              Technical data

              Description:viscous, yellowish, foaming liquid
              Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1
              pH-Value (100 g/l water):1.8 – 3.2


              PE-cans:     30 kg
              PE-cans:     60 kg
              PE-barrels:   200 kg
              Containers: 1000 kg


              In closed original packages KEBOSOL ZN ist storable for at least two years at temperatures between 0°C and 50°C. At temperatures around the freezing point the viscosity considerably increases.

                Notes. References

                On request we will send you the detailed description „Acid Degreasing with KEBOSOL ZN in Galvanizing Plants“.

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