
Consists of a specific combination of detergent surfactants which have an excellent cleaning efficiency in neutral and alkaline solutions already at very low dosing rates. KEBOSOL AN emulsifies fatty and oily substances (e.g. residues of antifroth oils) and disperses thin films of dirt. Thus redeposition and adhesion to the heat surfaces are prevented. KEBOSOL AN can be used at alkali concentrations up to approx. 25 % and temperatures up to 100°C.


    During chemical cleaning operations in the sugar industry the following advantages have proved a success when adding KEBOSOL AN:
      • The dissolution of sugar decomposition products and other inconvenient organic components (e.g. proteins) in alkaline solutions is considerably improved.
      • At alkaline pretreatments calcium compounds (such as calcium sulfate (gypsum), calcium oxalate, calcium silicate a.s.o.) being difficult to dissolve are transformed into acid soluble compounds by adding KEBOSOL AN. As a result the treatment period is considerably shortened.
      • At intermediate cleanings the removal of detached sludge is improved.
      • Consequently the requirement of acid is considerably reduced. During the alkaline aftertreatment the decomposition of acid insoluble silicates and organic substances is intensified and the removal of acid residues is favoured. This is of utmost importance as even small acid residues remaining in the smallest pores may cause serious corrosion.

        • The addition of KEBOSOL AN supports the neutralization of acid also in the smallest pores and crazings owing to its good wetting properties. At the final rinsing the removal of residual sludge is improved.
        • By adding KEBOSOL AN to alkaline cleaning solutions also sugar charcoal can be removed. 
        • When cleaning filter cloth in neutral or weakly alkaline solution KEBOSOL AN particularly favours the removal of especially persistent dirt particles from the pores of the textiles by reducing the adhesive forces.

        Dosing, Addition

        The dosing rates amount to:

            • alkaline pretreatment of apparatus with normal contamination (up to 5 % total alkali content) 0.1 - 0.2 %
            • alkaline pretreatment of apparatus with thick contamination (more than 5 % total alkali content) 0.2 - 0.5 %
            • alkaline aftertreatment/neutralization (up to 2 % total alkali content) 0.1%

              The duration of treatment depends on the composition and thickness of scales as well as on the application temperature. Detailed instructions for each individual cleaning can be elaborated by us.
                When using KEBOSOL AN in food processing plants the surfaces of the plant parts have to be carefully rinsed with potable water after the cleaning process.

                    Technical data

                    Description:yellowish, strong foaming liquid
                    Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1
                    pH-Value (100 g/l water):3.2 – 5.5


                    PE-cans:     30 kg
                    PE-cans:     60 kg
                    PE-barrels:   200 kg
                    Containers: 1000 kg


                    In closed original packages KEBOSOL AN is storable for at least two years.
                    Protect from frost.

                      Notes. References

                      In case of proper application KEBOSOL AN complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
                        Halal certification number: C-790-60-16-XXX
                        Kosher Certification No.: 81173637, company number: 0351

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