
Boiler water conditioning agent which in combination with alkalizing substances optimizes the operating conditions in steam generating systems.


    • Precipitations being formed at the entering of hardness constituents are efficiently dispersed and consequently prevented from forming adhesive scales.
    • Already existing deposits of rust, boiler scale a.s.o. are gradually converted into loose flowable sludge during the operation and are removed from the system at the blow down. (Organic contamination in form of fat, oil, surfactants a.s.o. increase the tendency of the boiler water to foam resulting in problems with regard to the steam purity.)
    • To avoid unnecessary blow down KEBO ULTRA contains efficient and stable antifoams.
    • The product is not steam volatile and therefore, can also be used in systems of the food and feed processing industries without any restrictions.
    • At the application concentration KEBO ULTRA is compatible with all commercial boiler water treatment agents.

    Dosing, Addition

    The dosing rate of KEBO ULTRA is dependent on many parameters and should in any case be determined in cooperation with our Department for Application Technique. At different test conditions an optimum effect has been achieved with concentrations of 100 - 140 ppm KEBO ULTRA in the boiler water.

      Technical data

      Description:dark brown liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.1
      pH-Value (100 g/l water):9-11


      PE-cans:30 kg
      PE-barrels:200 kg
      containers:1000 kg


      In closed original packages KEBO ULTRA is storable for at least 2 years at temperatures between 0°C and 50° C. Protect from frost.

        Notes. References

        In case of proper application KEBO ULTRA complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB § 6, revised version by announcement of 30.06.2017 I 2147).

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