
Used in hard cooling and industrial waters as corrosion inhibitor for iron and copper alloys.
The acid binding capacity of a water up to pH 4.3 should not fall below
3 mmol/l = 8.4°dH and the concentration of calcium should be at least 0.5 mmol/l = 2.8°dH.


    • Prevents the precipitation of alkaline earth carbonates as well as the sedimentation of suspended solids on the metal surfaces.
    • Stoppages caused by corrosion damages and the formation of scales retarding the heat transfer can be avoided when using KEBOCOR 224 L.
    • The especially adjusted organic inhibitors containing nitrogen and phosphorus produce thin adhesive protective films on steel and nonferrous metal surfaces.
    • Organophosphonates and low molecular anionic polyelectrolytes are responsible for the scale control. At substoichiometric dosing they prevent the precipitation of calcium carbonate from oversaturated solutions by blocking the formation of nuclei.
    • The higher molecular polymers show excellent dispersing properties. They are preferably adsorbed at the surface of suspended solids and stop the accumulation and sedimentation of particles at the walls of the system. KEBOCOR 224 L is resistant to hydrolysis and temperature
    • As well as compatible with free chlorine (Cl2).

    Dosing, Addition

    The dosing rate is dependent of various parameters. A rate of 125 mg/l KEBOCOR 224 L in the circulation water can be taken as guide value.
    The quantity necessary for each individual case should be determined in cooperation with our Department for Application Technique.

      Technical data

      Description:yellow-brown coloured liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.2
      pH-Value (100 g/l water):approx. 12
      Phosphorus-Content (%):approx. 2
      Solubility in water:in any proportion miscible with water


      PE-cans:     20 kg
      PE-cans:     35 kg
      PE-barrels:   220 kg
      Containers: 1200 kg


      In closed original packages KEBOCOR 224 L is storable for at least 2 years.

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