
Used as a corrosion inhibitor, hardness stabilizer and dispersant in open cooling systems that have low acid capacities (low m-value) and/or low calcium contents (make-up water softening). KEBOCOR 241 consists of a mixture of organic and inorganic compounds that protect steel and copper alloys from corrosion attack, prevent hardness precipitation and disperse dirt particles. The specially formulated inhibitors produce thin, firmly adhering top coats on metal surfaces. Low-molecular polyelectrolytes are responsible for hardness stabilization.


    • Prevents precipitation (in sub-stoichiometric doses) from supersaturated solutions by blocking crystal nucleation.
    • Prevents the agglomeration and settling of particles on the walls of the system (the higher molecular weight polymers have dispersing properties, they are preferentially adsorbed on the surface of suspended solids).
    • Is compatible with free chlorine (Cl2) as well as non-ionic biocides.

    Dosing, Addition

    The amount of dosage depends on many parameters and should in any case be agreed with our application technology department.

      Technical data

      Description:yellow, clear to slightly muddy liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.4
      pH-Value (100 g/l water):approx. 12 – 13
      PO4 Content (%):approx. 20
      Solubility in water:in any proportion miscible with water


      PE-cans:     35 kg
      Containers: 1200 kg


      KEBOCOR 241 can be stored for at least 2 years in closed original containers.
      Protect from temperatures below -10 °C.

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