
A synergistic blend of modified polyacrylic and phosphonic acids not only showing stabilizing but also dispersing features. The product has been optimized particularly with regard to the prevention of formation of scales containing calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate. It is already effective at substoichiometric dosing (THRESHOLD effect) i.e. at quantities not yet being sufficient for the sequestration of alkaline earth ions.


    • Shows good dispersing properties even at high contents of turbid matter in the water.
    • The components of KEBOPLEX 138 specifically attach to the submicroscopic crystal germs present in the supersaturated solutions and stop resp. delay their further growing to larger regular crystals which cause the formation of scales.

    Dosing, Addition

    The dosing is dependent on various factors such as:

      • thermal load of the heat exchanger surfaces
      • concentration factor
      • retention time
      • turbid matter content

        The product concentration should be at least 10 ppm in the circulation water. At high CaO contents there is a strong tendency of formation of calcium carbonate in the outlets of fermentation gas plants. This can be avoided by adding 10 - 20 ppm KEBOPLEX 138. The quantity necessary for each individual case can be determined by tests made by our Department for Application Technique.

          Technical data

          Description:colorless to yellowish liquid
          Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.1
          pH-Value (100 g/l water):1.5 – 2.5
          Phosphorus Content (%):approx. 1.8
          Solubility in water:in any proportion miscible with water


          PE-cans:     30 kg
          PE-barrels:   200 kg
          Containers: 1000 kg


          In closed original packages KEBOPLEX 138 is storable for at least 2 years. Protect from freezing.

            Notes. References

            Because of its anionic character KEBOPLEX 138 should not be applied together with cationic products (e.g. quaternary ammonium compounds).

              In case of proper application KEBOPLEX 138 complies with the requirements of the
              German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
                Kosher Certification No.: 81173637, company number: 0351

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