
Developed as universal agent for the control of the foam formation in aqueous systems. It is efficient in the acid up to weakly alkaline pH-range (pH 1-11).


    • Is easily emulsifiable with water.
    • Resistant to acids and weak alkalies.

      • KEBOSPUM LF can be used not only in undiluted form but also diluted with water. The optimal application parameters depend on the conditions at site. The following application methods are possible:
        • Spraying of the undiluted or diluted antifoam on the foam surface
        • Intermittent addition of the undiluted or diluted antifoam into the aqueous solution to destroy an existing foam layer
        • Continuous addition, especially to prevent the formation of foam.

        Dosing, Addition

        As the addition of the antifoam depends on the degree of foam development and the foam resistancy it is not possible to exactly indicate the necessary dosing rates. 
        In general dosing rates vary from 0.05 to 0.5 % referring to the medium with a tendency to foam. However, considering the large number of reasons for foaming and the different kinds of systems to be defoamed we recommend to determine the most favourable dosing level by tests on your own.

          Our Department for Application Technique will certainly be at your disposal for consulting.

            Technical data

            Description:turbid, milky liquid
            Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1


            PE-cans:25 kg
            PE-barrel:190 kg


            In closed original packages KEBOSPUM LF is storable for at least 2 years. Protect from freezing.
            Remark: Separation phenomena which may occur at a longer storage period can be eliminated by stirring without any loss in quality.

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