
a non-silicone antifoam designed to control foam in a wide variety of processes. It consists of alkoxylated fatty acid ester on vegetable basis and is free from mineral oils.
KEBOSPUM HES is especially effective when used in yeast processing.


    • May be used everywhere throughout the entire range at the inside operations.
    • Performs well in weak acid pH ranges and excellent in alkaline ranges.
    • Is unsaponifiable it remains effective even for extended periods in juices, and does not lose its effect.
    • With the addition of KEBOSPUM HES in the front sections the foam destroying effect is therefore maintained up to the end.
    • Does not in any way harm filter units of all types, even modern candle filters.

    Dosing, Addition

    The consumption rate of KEBOSPUM HES amounts to 0.3 - 0.7 kg per ton fresh yeast at 27 % dry substance. The exact dosing rate, however, is dependent on several circumstances and can be determined in practice only.

      Technical data

      Description: yellowish liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):  approx. 1
      Solubility in water: miscible with water
      Viscosity (mPa•s) at 25°C: 850 - 1050


      PE-barrel:200 kg
      containers:1000 kg


      In closed original packages KEBOSPUM HES is storable for at least 1 year.

        Notes. References

        In case of proper application KEBOSPUM HES complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
          Kosher Certification No.: 81173637, company number: 0351

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