
In addition to the inhibitors the product also contains dispersants thus resulting in nice and shiny metal surfaces.


    • Can be used in pickling plants of all kinds - with or without regeneration plant.
    • Is soluble without residues in water and in the pickling bath.
    • The liquid form allows an easy dosing.
    • Low foaming tendency so that disturbances in regeneration plants are avoided. 
    • Avoids excessive picklings and reduces the acid consumption.
    • Subsequent surface refinements will not be influenced.

    Dosing, Addition

    The following dosing rates are approximate values:

      • Stationary or continuous pickling plants without regeneration system: 500-2.500 g ADACID 627/m3 of pickling solution ready for use for new preparation. When the protective capacity abates add approx. 250 g/m3.
      • Stationary or pass through pickling plants with regeneration system: New preparation of bath as seem above, 
        then add 25-100 g ADACID 627/t of pickled material.
      • Continuous pickling plants with regeneration system: 100-400 g ADACID 627/m3 of pickling solution ready for use for new preparation, then add 10-30 g ADACID 627/t of pickled material.

      Technical data

      Description:clear, colourless to yellowish liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):1.0 - 1.1
      pH-Value (100 g/l water):5 - 7
      Solubility in water and hydrochloric acid:miscible


      PE-cans:     60 kg
      PE-barrels:   200 kg
      Containers: 1000 kg


      In closed original packages ADACID 627 is storable for at least 1 year. Protect from freezing.

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