
We supply with our LITHSOLVENT Cleaners already optimally adjusted combination products of acid and corrosion inhibitor, so that you can merely dilute the concentrated cleaner and then start the chemical remediation of their respective systems.


    • High concentrated cleaner
    • Special inhibitors contained in the product ensure the protection of metallic materials against acid attacks.
      • The following kinds of metal are protected: iron, steel, chromium and CrNi steels as well as alloys on copper basis.
    • Is used to dissolve boiler scales, incrustations and other scales, at temperatures up to max. 90° C.
    • highly productive and thus economically attractive solution with less production effort and increased occupational safety for your employees.

    For zinc we supply the quality LITHSOLVENT Cleaner 702; When using formic acid, in case of phosphoric acid LITHSOLVENT Cleaner 707.

      Dosing, Addition

      Dependent on the quantity of scale to be removed the dilution ratio varies from 1 : 10 to 1 : 20. To dissolve 1 kg boiler scale on average 1 kg LITHSOLVENT Cleaner 701 is required.

        For scales mainly consisting of carbonate the cleaning process is completed when the gas formation (carbonic acid) has stopped. Due to the gas formation the installations and rooms have always to be well aerated.
          The duration of an acidification should not exceed 6 hours. In case there are still residual scales after the treatment, the acidification has to be repeated, if necessary.
            After acidification the object has to be carefully rinsed whereby loose sludge is removed, too.
              Finally, it is recommended to neutralize with a 1 % sodium carbonate or caustic soda solution at ambient temperature or slight heating. Duration: 1 - 2 hours.

                Technical data

                Description:bluish liquid (inhibited formic acid)
                pH-Value (10 g/l water):approx. 2
                Solubility in water:miscible


                PE-cans:     35 kg
                PE-cans:     70 kg
                PE-barrels:   220 kg
                Containers: 1200 kg


                In closed original packages LITHSOLVENT Cleaner 701 is storable for at least 2 years. Protect from freezing.

                  Notes. References

                  In case of proper application LITHSOLVENT Cleaner 701 complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
                    Kosher Certification No.: 81173637, company number: 0351

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