
Alkaline cleaning agent with specifically acting sequestering agents, surfactants and dispersants in an optimum blend.


    - Universally be applied for the removal of calcium oxalate, silicates and
      organic sugar decomposition products,
    - spontaneous wetting,
    - excellent dispersing effect,
    - complex dissolving capacity for calcium compounds,
    - a high dirt-suspending power,
    - an aqueous cleaning agent and
    - does not contain any organic solvents.

      Dosing, Addition

      KEBOCLEAN VT is applied in undiluted form at ambient temperature. Filter elements can be cleaned in turns several times in the same solution. The cleaning time should be at least 12 hours. An increase in temperature up to 30-40°C accelerates the cleaning effect.
      After the cleaning carefully rinse the filter element with water - preferably with condensate - until the water is clear. The cleansing by means of a water hose is favourable for the removal of loose particles from the filter screen.

        Technical data

        Description::yellow-brown liquid
        Density at 20°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.2
        pH-Value (100 g/l water):11.5 - 13.0
        Solubility in water:miscible


        PE-cans:     35 kg
        PE-cans:     70 kg
        PE-barrels:   220 kg
        Containers: 1200 kg


        In closed original packages KEBOCLEAN VT is storable for at least 1 year. Protect from frost.

          Notes. References

          Hints for the Application in Food Processing Factories: In case of proper application KEBOCLEAN VT complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB § 6, revised version by announcement of 30.06.2017 I 2147).
            Halal certification number: C-790-60-16-XXX
            Kosher certification number: 81173637, company number: 0351


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