
To intensify and accelerate chemical cleaning operations with alkalis.


    • Has an excellent cleaning efficiency already at very low dosing rates in alkaline solutions up to 30°Bé (approx. 300 g/l NaOH).
    • The detergent surfactant contained wets and penetrates scales, emulsifies fatty and oily substances (e.g. waxes, residues of antifroth oils) and disperses thin films of dirt. The redeposition and adhesion to the heat surfaces are prevented by the dispersants also included.
    • During chemical cleaning operations in the cane sugar industry the following advantages have proved a success when adding KEBOPLEX SC:
      • The dissolution of sugar decomposition products and other inconvenient organic components (e.g. waxes from the cane, proteins and other gelatinous substances) in alkaline solutions is considerably improved and accelerated.
      • At the alkaline treatment with NaOH solutions of different concentration and when adding 1-3 % sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) calcium compounds such as calcium oxalate, calcium sulfate a.s.o. being difficult to dissolve are transformed into acid soluble compounds by adding KEBOPLEX SC. As a result the treatment period is shortened.
      • At rinsings with water the detached sludge can easily be removed. Consequently the requirement of acid at a subsequent acidification is considerably reduced.
    • Is even resistant to high temperatures and effective and can be used for alkali concentrations up to approx. 30°Bé (25 %).
      • Offre les avantages suivants dans l’industrie du sucre de canne :
        • Les produits de dégradation du sucre et autres composants organiques (p. ex. cires de la canne, protéines et autres substances gélatineuses) se dissolvent mieux et plus rapidement dans des solutions alcalines.
        • Lors du traitement alcalin avec des solutions de NaOH de différentes concentrations et l’ajout de 1 – 3 % de carbonate de sodium (Na2CO3), la transformation des composés de calcium difficilement solubles, comme l’oxalate de calcium, le sulfate de calcium, etc., en composés solubles dans l’acide est largement favorisée avec l’ajout de KEBOPLEX SC, réduisant ainsi le temps de traitement.
        • Lors des rinçages à l’eau, les boues dissoutes sont plus facilement éliminées, réduisant ainsi considérablement le besoin en acide en cas d’acidification ultérieure éventuelle.
      • Résistant et efficace même à des températures élevées, peut être utilisé avec des concentrations d’alcalis de jusqu’à 30 °Bé (25 %).

        Dosing, Addition

        For the regular alkaline cleanings of the evaporators either by the spraying or when boiling out the following procedure has proved a success:

          • 4 - 12 % NaOH (sodium hydroxide) by adding of
          • 1.5 % KEBOPLEX SC

          After each cleaning process the losses in the NaOH concentration have to be replaced up to 4 - 12 % again.

            After using the solution for three times, 0.5 % KEBOPLEX SC have to be added, or according to consumption of NaOH. It is important to rinse with hot water resp. to boil out the evaporators after the alkaline treatment. Experience has shown that further scales are removed at this rinsing. 
              KEBOPLEX SC can also be added to alkaline solutions with lower or higher concentrations of NaOH.

                Technical data

                Description:yellowish, clear up to weakly turbid liquid
                Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.2
                pH-Value (100 g/l water):10.5 – 11.5
                Solubility in water and diluted NaOH-solution:completely miscible


                PE-cans:     35 kg
                PE-cans:     70 kg
                PE-barrels:   220 kg
                Containers: 1200 kg


                In closed original packages KEBOPLEX SC is storable for at least two years.

                  Notes. References

                  In case of proper application KEBOPLEX SC complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
                    Halal-Certification number: C-790-60-16-XXX
                    Kosher Certification No.: 81173637, company number: 0351

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