
The dispersant KEBOSOL PM enables a successful alkaline cleaning of the evaporators scaled with calcium oxalate deposits or mixed scales of calcium oxalate and silicates. When adding KEBOSOL PM as dispersant to alkaline and neutral solutions, in favourable cases, evaporators, preheaters and pans can be cleaned without using acid. Other fields of application are the dispersion of mainly organic scales and the stabilization of water hardness (Ca2+ and Mg2+) if hard water has to be used for the chemical cleaning. KEBOSOL PM contains a combination of polymeric compounds with dispersing and sequestering properties in an optimum blend.


    • Free from phosphorous, not volatile at high temperatures and practically resistant to hydrolysis.
    • Has the ability of dispersing calcium oxalate scales as well as scales with a high content of organic substances and of removing them partly from the tube wall. During this process the compounds of calcium, magnesium, iron and other heavy metals contained in the scales are partly transformed into water soluble complexes.
    • The removal of scales by sodium carbonate solutions is additionally based on a substitution effect so that in presence of KEBOSOL PM the active surfaces of the calcium carbonate being formed are covered with the dispersant and a new agglomeration is avoided.
    • When in addition a surfactant (e.g.KEBOSOL VD) is used to reduce the surface tension, this process will be intensified.

      Dosing, Addition

      In general the dosing rate of KEBOSOL PM to alkaline solutions amounts to 0.5 %.

        Systems treated with KEBOSOL PM have to be rinsed with water until they are free from residues before the sugar juice will flow again through these tubes.
          Further detailed information about the applied cleaning procedure can be taken from the documentation „Cleaning of Evaporation Stations in the Sugar Industry“ as well as „The KEBO Alkaline Cleaning Procedure“ which will be placed at your disposal on request.

            Technical data

            Description:colorless to yellowish liquid
            Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.1
            pH-Value (100 g/l water):6.5 – 7.5
            Solubility:in any proportion miscible with water


            PE-cans:     30 kg
            PE-cans:     60 kg
            PE-barrels:   200 kg
            Containers: 1000 kg
             other packages on request


            In closed original packages KEBOSOL PM is storable for at least two years. The intensification of the colour in case of a longer storage period does not have any influence on the quality and efficiency of the product. Protect from frost (enormous increase in the viscosity).

              Important Remark: Despite of increased viscosity at low temperatures the product is easy to handle; below 5°C the product may jellify, however, when the temperature rises it immediately liquefies again.

                Notes. References

                In case of proper application KEBOSOL PM complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021). The organic raw materials contained in KEBOSOL PM are exclusively of petrochemical origin and are therefore neither BSE-endangering (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) nor genetically modified.
                  Halal certification number: C-790-60-16-XXX
                  Kosher Certification No.: 81173637, company number: 0351

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