
The preliminary degreasing is one of the most important procedures during the surface treatment of metals. The large number of drilling and grinding emulsions, drawing greases, anticorrosive agents and metal working fluids a.s.o. entering the bath require degreasing agents with a broad spectrum of efficiency. Our KEBOSOL 2000 has been developed especially for this application purpose.

KEBOSOL 2000 is a highly efficient degreasing agent having an inhibiting effect at the same time for the protection of metallic materials in hydrochloric acid at temperatures up to 35°C. Grease and oil films adhering to the metal surface are liquified whereby the viscosity is considerably reduced. These adsorptively bound molecular oil and grease film is displaced by the surfactants contained in KEBOSOL 2000. The degreasing effect and duration depend on the concentration of hydrochloric acid and iron. The quantity of oil and fat enriching in a degreasing bath resp. being separated is decisively dependent on the state of greasing of the delivered parts, i.e. on the fat and oil portion per m² surface.


    • A highly concentrated liquid compound of wetting agent and inhibitor quickly and homogenously dispersing in diluted acids. The liquid form allows an easy dosing of the product.
    • To obtain an optimum efficiency KEBOSOL 2000 should be applied in connection with an oil separating device only: oil separator, scimming off a.s.o.
    • The acid degreasing bath can be used up to 1 - 2 % free hydrochloric acid.
    • In this case the acid losses are replaced by fresh hydrochloric acid whereby an acid concentration of 8 % should not be exceeded. The bath is exhausted at an iron content of approx. 120 g/l.
    • Disposes of an excellent emulsification for a short period of time for grease, mineral oils and paraffins which ensures a quick separation of oil and grease.

    Dosing, Addition

    KEBOSOL 2000 is directly added to acid solutions. The consumption is dependent on the degree of contamination (grease and oil).

      The dosing rates indicated below are guide values:

        • in case of normal or minor contamination with oil and grease 0.5 % = 5 kg KEBOSOL 2000 / m3
        • in case of considerable contamination with oil and grease 1 - 2 % = 10 - 20 kg KEBOSOL 2000 / m3

          The optimum quantities may be determined preferably during practical operation.

            Technical data

            Description:yellowish, highly foaming liquid
            Density at 25°C in g/cm3:approx. 1
            pH-Value (100 g/l Water):4.5 – 7.5


            PE-cans:     30 kg
            PE-cans:     60 kg
            PE-barrels:   200 kg
            Containers: 1000 kg


            In closed original packages KEBOSOL 2000 is storable for at least one year at temperatures between 0°C and 50°C. At temperatures around the freezing point the viscosity considerably increases.

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