
Prevents the steel surfaces from tarnishing and corroding during the rinsing process after pickling with acids. KEBOCOR 282 is an optimum formulation of several alkanolamine derivates of different molecular weight. The product has buffering, sequestering and film forming properties. It doesn’t contain Diethanolamine.


    • Is bound to the steel surface in an adsorptive manner and covers it with a thin non-conducting layer which mainly stops the cathodic partial reaction of the corrosion process.
    • The buffering capacity of KEBOCOR 282 prevents the formation of different pHzones on the surface so that stable local anodes cannot be formed which may cause corrosion products.
    • In many cases a part of the rinsing water is fed to the pickling baths. For this reason KEBOCOR 282 was formulated so that interferences with our pickling inhibitors such as ADACID 328 cannot take place.
    • The active substances contained in KEBOCOR 282 vaporize nearly residue-free at higher temperatures so that there are no carbonaceous surface contaminations to be feared during the subsequent annealing processes.

    Dosing, Addition

    The optimum concentration interval of the product varies between 500 and 1.000 g KEBOCOR 282 per m3 rinsing water. Excessive dosing rates up to 1.500 g/m3 do not have any negative influence on the surface quality of the steel sheets. To obtain a long-lasting protection against corrosion during storage add 1 - 5 % KEBOCOR 282 into the last rinsing bath. The rinsing water should have possibly low content of salt (e.g. condensate, reverse osmosis a.s.o.).

      Technical data

      Description:colorless to yellowish liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.1
      pH-Value (100 g/l water):approx. 11
      Solubility:in all concentrations soluble in water


      PE-cans:     30 kg
      PE-cans:     60 kg
      PE-barrels:   200 kg
      Containers: 1000 kg


      In closed original packages KEBOCOR 282 is storable for at least two years at temperatures from
      0°C to 50°C.

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