
Highly efficient inhibitor for the protection of metal surfaces during the pickling in hydrochloric acid baths.


    • Can be used in pickling plants of all kinds - with or without regeneration plant - at temperatures up to 50° C. (At higher temperatures the quality ADACID 328 should be used.)
    • Is soluble without residues in water and in the pickling bath.
    • The liquid form allows an easy dosing.
    • Has also excellent protection values at high Fe-contents whereby the dissolution of the mill scale will not be impaired.
    • Does not contain any hexamethylenetetramine and does not attack rubber and plastic materials.
    • Clear and proper surfaces are obtained.
    • Subsequent surface refinements will not be influenced.
    • The formulation of ADACID 337 avoids excessive picklings and reduces the acid consumption resulting in improvements of quality and saving of costs.

    Dosing, Addition

    The dosing rates mentioned below are standard values:
      • Stationary or continuous pickling plants without regeneration: system 500 -1.000 g ADACID 337/m3 of pickling solution ready for use for new preparation. When the protective capacity abates add approx. 250 g/m3.
      • Stationary or pass through pickling plants with regeneration system: New preparation of bath see a), then 25-100 g ADACID 337/t pickled material.
      • Continuous pickling plants with regeneration system: 100-250 g ADACID 337/m3 of pickling solution ready for use for new preparation, then 20-30 g ADACID 337/t pickled material.

      Technical data

      Description:yellowish, clear to slightly turbid liquid
      Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1
      pH-Value (100 g/l water):4.0 – 8.5
      Solubility in water and hydrochloric acid:miscible


      PE-cans:     25 kg
      PE-cans:     60 kg
      PE-barrels:   200 kg
      Containers: 1000 kg


      In closed original packages ADACID 337 is storable for at least two years. Protect from frost.

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