
In the course of time highly viscous oil accumulate at the ground of the storage tanks. The capacity of these tanks is several thousand cubic meters.
KEBOCLEAN KB is a metal cleaning agent containing solvents which can be used as additive for kerosene, diesel fuel resp. fuel oil, to remove oil residues in tanks and pipelines. It consists of aliphatic hydrocarbons, surfactants and organic corrosion inhibitors.


    • Even dissolves viscous crude oil residues.
    • Makes them pumpable so that such substances can be reused in the refinery.
    • Expensive actions of disposal are not necessary anymore.
    • Reuse of 90 % of the oil residues.
    • Reduction of the amount of waste deposits up to 90 %.
    • Reduction of cleaning times by more than 50 % compared to mechanical cleaning.

    Dosing, Addition

    Can be used in undiluted form to dissolve persistent scales in the crude oil industry. For cost reasons, however, we recommend the application of 10–20 % KEBOCLEAN KB in the kerosene at continuous recirculation of this cleaning mixture. The temperature may vary from 20–60 °C. The performance of the cleaning process will be improved at increasing temperature. The exact dosing rate highly depends on the kind and viscosity of the oil residues. A very rough guide would be 500 l cleaning solution for 1 m³ oil residues, i.e. 50–100 l KEBOCLEAN KB per m³ oil sludge to be dissolved.

      Description of Cleaning Process:
      The cleaning process depends on the kind and viscosity of the oil residues. Below the cleaning process will be described exemplary with integrated reuse of oil residues and cleaning liquid.
      1. KEBOCLEAN KB will be mixed with the calculated amount of kerosene and pumped to the storage tank. The cleaning liquid can take effect at the surface of the oil residues only.
      2. Therefore the cleaning liquid will be pumped out of the tank and returned to it with the effect, that fresh cleaning liquid has contact to the surface of the oil residues. Kerosene, KEBOCLEAN KB and oil residues in solution are pumpable. When all oil residues are in solution the cleaning process is finalized.
      3. Agitators, assembled on the roof of the tank, can support the process of dissolving.
      4. When all oil residues are of liquid consistence, the mixture can be pumped to the refinery to be redistilled to new products. Only the indissoluble fraction remains in the tank and has to be disposed or incinerated.
      5. The indissoluble fraction must be mechanical removed from the tank and disposed. The minerally amount of oil residues is depending to the quality of oil 4 to 10 %. Now the inside walls of the tank can be cleaned by a high-pressure cleaner and after that the tank is ready for inspection.

        Technical data

        Description:brownish liquid
        Density (g/cm³)approx. 0.8
        Solubility in water:emulsifiable


        PE-cans:     30 kg
        PE-barrels:   160 kg


        In closed original packages KEBOCLEAN KB is storable for at least one year.
        Protect from frost and humidity.

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