
The protective effect extends to warm and hot water heatings as well as the whole water side installations of a steam boiler system (feed water tanks, feed water pumps and preheaters).
The application of KEBO X is only possible when sufficient blown-down facilities are available at the boiler.


    • Succeeded in the scale inhibitor test of the German Boiler Inspection Board (TÜV) and is admissible up to 68 bar according to § 27 of the steam boiler regulation of the German Boiler Inspection Board (TÜV).
    • Besides inorganic alkalis KEBO X consists of polymeric natural products as well as protective colloids, the interaction and effect of which are not subject to stoichiometric laws.
    • Capable of solving problems in a boiler water plant without any harmful side effect, more by physical than by chemical action and in combination with softening units. 
    • Descales boiler and heating plants during operation without any risk by detaching adherent incrustations and gradually decomposing them to sludge. 
    • This water treatment in connection with the important reduction of foaming in the boiler allows the generation of a neutral and particularly pure steam.
    • Improves the steam quality without being steam-volatile itself, it can, therefore, be used also in very difficult plants (such as food and feed processing plants, baths, slaughterhouses, bakeries, mills, dairies and beverage industry).

    Dosing, Addition

    We recommend to adjust the alkalinity of the feed water according to the guidelines of the VdTÜV to pH > 9 by adding KEBO X. 

      The dosing rate is dependent on the parameters of the conditioned water (particularly the buffer capacity) and should be determined in cooperation with our Department for Application Technique.
        20 - 50 g KEBO X per ton steam generation can be estimated as guide value.

          Check of KEBO X
          Usually it is sufficient to determine the residual hardness and the alkalinity of the boiler water. The rated values of the boiler water are as follows:
          hardness: 0° dH p-value: 5-12 mmol/l 

            On request we will place a method of determination of KEBO X at customer’s disposal.

                Technical data

                Description:dark brown liquid
                Density at 25°C (g/cm3):approx. 1.2
                pH-Value (100 g/l water):13 - 14
                Solubility in water:in any proportion miscible with water


                PE-cans:     20 kg
                PE-cans:     35 kg
                PE-barrels:   220 kg
                Containers: 1200 kg


                In closed original packages KEBO X is storable for at least 1 year. Protect from freezing.

                  Notes. References

                  KEBO X has passed the boiler agent test at TÜV and is approved up to 68 bar according to §27 of the Steam Boiler Ordinance within the framework of the TÜV guidelines.

                    In case of proper application KEBO X with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).
                      Halal certification number: C-790-60-16-XXX
                      Kosher certification number: 81173637, company number: 0351

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