Efficient water treatment for reverse osmosis systems
Reverse osmosis systems offer a highly effective method of water treatment by removing a wide range of impurities through a semi permeable membrane.
Challenge: Scaling
A common problem with reverse osmosis systems is scaling. Retained salts and minerals settle on the membrane surface, leading to scaling. These deposits can reduce the permeability of the membrane, increase the pressure and reduce the efficiency of the system.
Solution: Specially developed antiscalant
Our KEBO DS RO antiscalant , specially developed for reverse osmosis systems, effectively prevents the formation of
deposits. It can be used in brines, seawater and mineral liquids
Your benefits at a glance:
- Improved membrane performance : Prevents deposits and ensures maximum efficiency
- Longer service life: Protects your system from damage and reduces maintenance costs
- Versatile application: Ideal for various water sources and industrial applications
Learn more about our solution and optimize your reverse osmosis system with KEBO DS RO!

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