Combines anticorrosive, dehydration and dehumidification as well as antifreezing properties.
Is used:
- to preserve heating, juice and steam chambers of evaporators, water ring pumps, all tubings and piping systems as well as heating resp. cooling systems during standstill periods.
- as permanent anticorrosive and antifreezing heat transfer medium in cooling and heating systems (e.g in vertical crystallizers).
KEBOCOR GFD can be reused.
- The anticorrosive effect is obtained by an alkanolamine salt of a nitrogenous condensation product. Its high efficiency ensures a complete rust protection even at a high dilution of KEBOCOR GFD with water up to 1:5.
- The dehumidification effect of KEBOCOR GFD is ensured by polyvalent alcohols. Up to a dilution ratio of 1 part KEBOCOR GFD to approx. 0.2 parts water the decrease of the steam pressure of its aqueous phase is sufficient to keep the relative humidity above the solution in tightly closed rooms under 100 % to such a degree that at normal temperature jumps a dropping below dew point cannot take place.
- The dehydration effect is based on the a/m property of a complete miscibility with water. As KEBOCOR GFD tends to dilute with water it is not necessary to dry heating chambers, pumps, piping systems a.s.o. prior to filling. However, they should be carefully dewatered to avoid an unnecessary dilution. Based on the dehydration effect even heat chambers where a sludge layer has already been formed, will be completely dewatered and at the same time the anticorrosive agent is distributed everywhere and therefore, can act as required.
- The antifreezing effect is ensured, e.g. at a mixing proportion of 1 : 3, still up to -12°C. If the reduction of the atmospheric humidity can be abandoned (e.g. when completely refilling the apparatus) in view of a depression of the freezing point the product may be diluted according to the following table:
Depression of Freezing Point at Different Mixing Proportions with Water
Antifreeze up to a temperature of | KEBOCOR GFD kg | Water m3 | Mixing-Proportion |
- 5°C | 120 | 0.88 | 1 : 7.4 |
-10°C | 210 | 0.79 | 1 : 3.8 |
-15°C | 300 | 0.7 | 1 : 2.4 |
-20°C | 350 | 0.65 | 1 : 1.9 |
-25°C | 400 | 0.6 | 1 : 1.5 |
Dosing, Addition
Requirement for Protection against Corrosion during Standstill Periods for Heating Chambers
3 m: | to approx. 520 liter |
4 m: | to approx. 400 liter |
8 m: | to approx. 200 liter |
Technical data
Description: | colorless to yellowish liquid |
Density at 25°C (g/cm3): | approx. 1 |
pH-Value (100 g/l water): | 7.0 – 8.4 |
Flash point (°C): | approx. 103 |
Ignition temperature (°C): | approx. 410 |
Solubility in water: | miscible |
PE-cans: | 30 kg |
PE-cans: | 60 kg |
PE-barrels: | 200 kg |
Containers: | 1000 kg |
In closed original packages KEBOCOR GFD is storable for at least two years.
During the campaign the packages can serve for intermediate storage purposes.
Notes. References
In case of proper application KEBOCOR GFD complies with the requirements of the German Food and Feed Code (LFGB, revised version by announcement of 15.09.2021).Kosher certification number: 81173637, company number: 0351
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