Chemicals and additives to maximize the biogas process: Corrosion inhibitors

Corrosion inhibitors help extend the service life of the plant components. This is very important, particularly for the sugar and ethanol industry, where residual materials with high sulfate content are used.

Application: The hydrogen sulfide gas (H₂S) produced in biogas plants can significantly corrode components, especially when using sulfate-containing substrates.

Application format: The LITHSOLVENT corrosion inhibitors series includes special inhibitors designed to reduce the wear and corrosion of metallic plant components such as piping and heat exchangers. This increases plant integrity and service life, which is especially important in the sugar industry and municipal plants with highly contaminated substrates.

Our LITHSOLVENT series of corrosion inhibitors contains other corrosion inhibitors, depending on the cleaner’s application.

LITHSOLVENT CL 4 – Efficient cleaning solutions for biogas plants

LITHSOLVENT CL 4 is a formaldehyde-free, highly effective corrosion inhibitor specially formulated to protect metallic materials in acidic environments, especially where sulfuric acid is present. Its properties make it an optimal choice for the cleaning and maintenance of components (tank lines, supply and discharge lines) in biogas plants where deposits and corrosion protection are critical.

Benefits for biogas plants:

  • Temperature-stable up to 90°C: Ideal for use in cleaning systems that operate at higher temperatures, such as heat exchangers or piping
  • Protects all common materials: Inhibits the corrosion of steels and copper alloys commonly used in biogas plants
  • Maintains the functionality: Does not interfere with dissolving deposits such as lime from biofilm that may be generated by the fermentation process
  • Efficient wetting and surface protection: The immediate wetting of the surface allows for the effective removal of stubborn residues. The surfactants they contain reduce surface tension and help distribute the cleaning fluid evenly.
  • Facilitates subsequent rinsing: Emulsifies oily contaminants and disperses dirt for more efficient rinsing


LITHSOLVENT CL 4 is ideal for chemically cleaning the following:

  • Heat exchangers and piping: Removes deposits and protects against corrosion
  • Fermenters: Dissolves substrate residue and foaming agents
  • Gas lines and separators: Assists in the removal of incrustation caused by the biogas process

Corrosion inhibitors

See a selection of Corrosion inhibitors of our portfolio or take a look here: LITHSOLVENT Series.

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